Hair Loss during Pregnancy ( Remedies and To-Do-List) - Follicle Booster

Hair Loss during Pregnancy ( Remedies and To-Do-List)

Shedding some hair is something that women are getting used to. But losing a lot of hair might be a different story, especially when you're expecting. The hair undergoes a natural life cycle but does some changes during pregnancy. According to Pregnancy Birth and Baby, each hair grows, then rests for 2 or 3 months before being pushed out by a new hair growing in that follicle (the tube-shaped sheath surrounding the hair beneath the skin). In pregnancy, this cycle changes. 

Follixil for Women

Hair loss during pregnancy may be due to several factors. The hormones your body produces during pregnancy can cause hair to fall out in large quantities (telogen effluvium) around two months after delivery as it returns to its regular growth cycle. Another common reason for hair loss is low blood sugar levels, which can be caused by increased blood volume and the baby's growing needs. It also often begins at the end of the first trimester and worsens as your pregnancy progresses. Hormonal changes, stress and anxiety levels, vitamin deficiency, nutritional deficiencies, and infections cause hair loss. Most women notice that their hair becomes thinner during this time; some lose small amounts of hair.

Remember the below as much as possible to avoid hair loss during pregnancy.

Proper Nutrition against Hair Loss

  • Proper Nutrition - As per Web MDProtein is also critical for keeping your hair healthy, but many people don't get enough. Because trace minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, and biotin also affect hair, it's a good idea to take a daily multivitamin. Lean meats like fish and chicken, eggs, and soy products are good sources. Eat one serving every day.

P.S. You should be careful what you eat during pregnancy because small changes in your diet can make a big difference to your baby's health. A balanced diet includes enough nutrients like protein, iron, and folic acid.

  •  Dying your hair is not the best idea- Your hair color and texture can change, making it harder to style! Plus, all that damage to your hair can leave it unhealthy and more prone to breakage. Not just it risky to dye your hair, but you also put your pregnancy at considerable risk.
  • Hydration: Drink at least 2-3 liters of water/per day (0.5-0.7). If you do sports, increase water consumption. You can drink sparkling or still water, which will hydrate you. Avoid sodas, "natural" juices, and sugary drinks. 

Follixil for Women

  • Exercise: Yes, even pregnant do need some form of exercise. Take time to stretch, breath fresh air, relax and de-stress. t's a way to release tension and stress. Remember, a stressful mind also brings hair loss or hair shedding.  

Hair Loss in Pregnancy

It is necessary to weigh things properly before choosing any medication or hair loss treatment. It is difficult to revert the process, especially when it causes you damage in the long run. Many valuable sources are available online to guide you through, such as Hair Loss and Beard Growth courses by Tudor Tanase ( Follicle Booster and Follixil Founder and CEO) and FREE instructional videos on Youtube. Catch up with the latest trend in hair regrowth tips with @thehairlossdude I.G.